Why Website Audits Are Crucial

| Web design

Why Website Audits Are Crucial


Your website is likely to be the most valuable online presence you have, which means it is rather important to review its effectiveness every now and again.

If you have never done an in-depth website audit, you may be surprised to find out what you can actually learn about your website, as well as discovering its strengths and weaknesses.  

If you want to improve sales and visibility, you should start with a website audit especially if your website hasn’t been updated in a while.

Here’s how you can audit your website:

Use your website like a visitor

It’s important to look at your website impartially when doing an audit. Look at your website like you are visiting it for the first time. Take note of how long it takes the page to load, how easy it is to perform simple tasks that your audience may perform, look to see if the content is easy to read and informative, check all the links and look to see if the graphics really pop.

It may be worth doing the same for a few competitors’ websites to see how you perform in comparison.   

Check all links

It is crucial that you check all the links on your website. Make sure they work and are pointing in the right direction. If your website hasn’t been updated in a while you may find that some links no longer work or aren’t pointing to the most relevant pages.

There are a few online tools that can help with this, but it is definitely worth checking the more important/prominent links manually.

This check will help improve your site rankings, usability and even speed.

Optimise images

Large images can slow down your website considerably. It is important that you check to see if all your graphics are optimised for the sake of speed.

Is it fully mobile-friendly

Most people these days will be viewing your website from a mobile device so you must not only review your website on a desktop computer but also from a smartphone and tablet.

Shrinking a full size website down to fit on a mobile phone can have a huge impact on the user interface so ensure that everything is still easy to find and navigate as well as read.

Measure performance 

You should measure the performance of your website at least every three months to ensure everything is running smoothly.

You can measure website performance using several tools but Google Analytics is generally the most popular. These stats will help you discover what is wrong with your website, what can be improved and where you are losing business.


Alternatively, if you would like a FREE no-obligation in-depth professional web audit request one here - https://www.resourcetechniques.co.uk/Contact-Us/Web-Review

Luke Stanley