What is involved in SEO for Estate Agents?

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What is involved in SEO for Estate Agents?


Once upon a time SEO used to be a pretty simple process which really only involved keyword and marketing research, on-page optimisation and link building.

These days it’s not so simple.

In 2011, SEO for Estate Agents involves a lot of aspects. For instance Local SEO/Google Places has become very important and even has its place in Google’s organic results page.

Within organic SEO you even have to think about landing page optimisation and conversion optimisation. In other words, how are you going to keep visitors on your website and turn these visits into sales?

And this is only the tip of the iceberg, content is the key part to your websites success, without it Google wouldn’t be able to rank you and no one would want to link to you. In order to achieve this, a decent content strategy must be executed.

This could include:

  • Static page content
  • A blog
  • Videos

Once you have produced all this information you then have to distribute it across the net to draw in the traffic otherwise your hard work would go unseen. The best way to do this is through social media which will need to be continuously managed.

So a modern SEO strategy may look something like this:

  1. Market research
  2. Keyword research
  3. On-page optimisation
  4. Landing Page/Conversion Optimisation
  5. Local SEO/Google Places optimisation
  6. Content Strategy
    • a. Researching
    • b. Creating
    • c. Optimising
    • d. Promoting
  7. Social Networking marketing and interaction
  8. Website Analytics and monitoring

And with Mobile Search becoming more and more popular, Mobile SEO has come into play to make sure your website can be reached through mobiles and tablets.

So there you have it, SEO for 2011...

By Luke Stanley
SEO Consultant