Web Design for Estate Agents: What affect will Wearable Technology have on Web Design?

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Web Design for Estate Agents: What affect will Wearable Technology have on Web Design?

Technology has come so far in such a short space of time. The majority of us today, carry around a computer that enables you to make phone calls, text, take photos, record videos, get directions, shop, video chat, search online and much much more and all this fits in your pocket.

With the arrival of wearable technology like Google Glass, Android Wear, various other smartwatches and the rumours of the up and coming iWatch which is expected to be released later this year, wearable technology is likely to become the norm very soon and could even be as popular as the smartphone one day. 

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With all new technology, it will change the way people use and interact with the web.  But how may wearable technology effect websites for estate agents?

Many of you may write off wearable technology saying it will only be a “fad” but industry experts believe that wearable technology will take off and have a huge growth over the next 10 years. This means your users will be accessing websites from numerous devices, instead of just desktop, tablets and mobile.

Today website usability is crucial; many estate agents have noticed the huge rise in traffic to their website from mobile devices and have taken actions to make their websites more accessible for their users with mobile websites but how accessible will your website be for these wearable devices?

Will you adapt to meet your users’ needs?

Wearable technology is just starting out but it is growing fast. Wearable technology is certainly improving and can already be used to instant message, search the internet, monitor your health, take pictures, record videos and connect through social media. We expect that it is likely that this could blow up overnight, especially once the Apple product hits the market!

Prepare for the future with responsive web design


We have already seen how mobile technology affected the way your website looks on a smartphone and tablet. Your primary goal as a website owner and our primary goal as web designers is to create a website that is not only beautiful with the best functionality but one that allows users to access the information they need quickly and easily.

Wearable technology may not be at the same level as mobile is now but it is never too early to start planning for the future. Responsive website design is the best option and will provide your users with the best user experience possible from any device. 

Luke Stanley