Twitter for Estate Agents

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Twitter for Estate Agents

With over 500 million active users sending 750 tweets per second, Estate Agents can’t afford to miss the marketing opportunities the social network has to offer. Estate Agents should be looking to use Twitter to engage with their local community to help increase brand recognition, traffic to the website and overall sales.

Here are some statistics that will show you why it is important for Estate Agents to be on Twitter, as well as some helpful tips and good practices for optimising your Twitter efforts.

  • 79% of Twitter users are likely to recommend an estate agent they follow
  • 67% of Twitter users will use an estate agent they are following
  • Twitter has over 24 billion search queries per month – which is more that Bing and Yahoo combined
  • Posts that contain hash tags have 193% more clicks

General reasons for an estate agent to use Twitter

  • 33% of Twitter users follow a brand
  • The average Twitter user has 115 followers
  • Twitter users are 5 times more likely to share a post than Facebook users
  • 40% of Twitter users are mostly there to consume content – rather than post tweets
  • 70% of Small Businesses are on Twitter – are you missing out?

Twitter Advice

The number of small businesses using Twitter has grown significantly over the few years as it offers businesses opportunities to answer consumer questions, generate leads and positions your business as an authority in your industry.

Twitter users are following your business because they want something from you. This may be interesting, informative content, your latest promotions/offers or even giveaways. You must offer your users something in order to keep them engaged to your brand and share your updates with their followers.

Optimise your Twitter efforts

  • The best time to post is around midday or between 5 and 6pm
  • Twitter engagement rates are 17% higher on the weekend compared to weekdays
  • 1 to 5 word tweets a more effective for business to customers tweets
  • Avoid question marks – on average you receive 45% less clicks when you include a question mark

Using Twitter can significantly increase brand recognition, traffic to the website and overall sales for any Estate Agent... are you engaged?

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