Social media myths busted

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Social media myths busted

What are your views on social media for Estate Agents? Do you think it’s a valuable marketing source or a waste of time?

Here are some of the social media myths that may be wrongly influencing your social activity: Â

Social media is all about YOU

We understand that your social networking pages are yours but there is a reason why it’s called SOCIAL media...

Social media is about being social towards your audience and not about self-promotion. You are just a gracious host; you have to respond to your audience, encourage small talk as well as meaningful conversations and handle negative comments in a tactful way.

Social media is mainly for sales

Your website is designed for business promotion. Social media is more about building and maintaining relationships online. People use social networks to communicate and connect, and gives you the chance to provide valuable information to your audience and respond to their queries.

Social media is really about building trust, if people find the content you are sharing valuable they will be more likely to use your services in the future.

Social media is a replacement for SEO

Many people have suggested that SEO is dead but the truth is that you can’t be discovered through social media alone.

Google is able to generate huge amounts of traffic and shouldn’t be ignored. Take advantage of all the tools out there to drive traffic to your website.

You need to be on every single social network

With all the social platforms out there, you just won’t have the time to keep up with them all but which ones should you be on?

You need to think about where your customers are. The safest bet for Estate Agents would be to stick with the top 3, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Just be sure to stay active, posting at least once a day and don’t just promote yourself, try and start conversations, share interesting things regarding your industry and area and engage with your audience where possible.  

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