Mobile germs on your mobile

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Mobile germs on your mobile


Whilst researching this article I started to itch. Germs are everywhere and can be easily transferred from surface to surface.

Two such facts that I stumbled upon is that 65% of colds are caught in the home and the top 5 household items harbouring the most germs include: Kitchen sponges, doorknobs, mobile phones, toothbrushes and keyboards.

The one that surprised me the most was mobile phones. I had never considered that mobile phones could be such grubby little buggers.

In fact, media recently reported that mobiles contain 18 times more bacteria than a flush handle at a public toilet – a harrowing thought.

So what can the hygiene conscious Estate Agent do about it?

Luckily the people at Violight have the answer.

Back in 2004 they unveiled a gadget that uses ultraviolet light to sanitise your toothbrush and now they have done the same for mobile phones

The Violight ‘UV Cell Phone Sanitiser’ uses ultraviolet lights to kill 99.9% of germs making it comparable to a famous bleach brand.

Estate Agents can disinfect mobile phones, headphones, MP3 players and even Bluetooth earpieces for the office – at only $50 it is a bargain!

Interested in finding out more? Estate Agents can either visit the Violight website or see the Violight YouTube channel.

James Coyne – eMarketing and social media consultant