Make A Good First Impression

| Web design

Make A Good First Impression


Your estate agency website is usually the first impression that potential customers have of you. People will judge your estate agency within a few moments of seeing your website, are you making the most of this?

Here are 3 tips to guarantee your users won’t be disappointed:

1) Capturing your audience’s attention

How does your website capture your audience’s attention? Many will focus on the visual aspect trying to draw you in with striking or thoughtful imagery.


Make your website stand out from the crowd by putting some thought into the imagery, it’s often the first thing that visitors focus on once your website has loaded. Dull, irrelevant imagery will be seen as unprofessional by your general users.


 Another great way to capture your audience’s attention is by creating addictive content that draws them in. Catchy headlines and useful information in a clear layout will entice the users to read on. Try to break up your content with bullet points and other styling’s to break up paragraphs.

2) Provide a clear message

Too much information will confuse a user, making it hard for them to get where they want to go. The majority of people will be coming to your website to look at your property stock so make sure it is easy for them to find the property search function.

Content overload

Over doing content is pretty easy to do especially if you provide a wide range of services and while it is important to create an SEO-friendly and keyword rich homepage, you need to take into consideration the user experience.

User experience should always take priority in web design.


Think about what you want your users to do on your website. Do you want them to see what services you provide, search for a property or to promote your social networking accounts? Whatever it is make sure it is clear to find on the website, the information must be above the fold.

3) Be unique

On average potential customers will usually visit 2 or 3 of your competitors as well. How does your website compare to your competition?

Does your competition have a more modern website, is it easier to use, does it send a clear message and draw the users in? Put yourself in the shoes of your customers; is your competitor’s website better in anyway? If it is better, you should ask yourself what needs to be added or modified to your website in order to make it stand out.

If you are unsure about how people see your website, why not get a free no obligation website review to get a full report on the usability and functionality of your website.

Click here for your free website review!