Google’s new +1 button

| Web design

Google’s new +1 button

Google has now released the +1 button for the entire web. This is Google’s answer to socially sharing content and products throughout the web.

The + 1 button is Google’s equivalent to Facebooks ‘Like’ and Twitters ‘Retweet’ button. It enables users and fans of your website to show Google and their friends that they like the page or blog post.

The +1 allows you to acknowledge a good web page to Google whilst you are on it. It’s simple to use and with just a click of a button you can recommend blog posts, products or even properties to friends and contacts.

Now the next time your contacts search, your recommendations could be seen directly in their search results. This allows you to help them find useful information when they most need it.

You may have started seeing the +1 button on a number of big name websites already (for example Mashable). Â

Estate Agents may find this useful to incorporate into their SEO strategies, allowing them to promote news about their business, blog posts on the industry or new properties that have gone onto the market.

For example you could give users the option to ‘like’ a property which would work similar to ‘email a friend’ suggesting a property that one of your friends or contacts may like. When they next search for houses for sale these recommendations would show up higher on Google’s rankings.

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