Google Street View - Conductors biography on track

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Google Street View - Conductors biography on track


Google Street View has been recently updated to cover 96% of the UK and Estate Agents across the country are more than jubilant to say the least. In a recent article Resource Techniques announced that every website will automatically be upgraded to Street View.

Today newspapers are reporting that one train conductor, Marc Loterijman has used Google Street View to detail his Biography, ranging from his time as a student, working at a Sainsbury and then becoming a train conductor.

On his Twitter account he stated that the interest in his posting is "weird" and that his personal blog has seen a "double in traffic".

Estate Agents can see this as a shining example of how they can generate traffic to their website virally. When Mr Loterijman first starting detailing his life on Google Street View, he would have never considered that his actions would lead to a national newspaper article and then following interest.

Troy Stanley comments on viral marketing, 'Many businesses continue to under estimate the power of social networking. Remember that even small ideas and actions have massive potential online.'