Google+ business profiles

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Google+ business profiles


One of the first questions that business owners, such as Estate Agents, will ask about the new Google+ is how they can set up a business account –like a Facebook page. See Resource Techniques Facebook page for a biased, but quite excellent example.

Estate Agents will be excited to find out that Google is planning a Google+ business page… but they’ll have to wait.

In a statement today, Google announced that this business side of the social network will be available in the future. The bad news is that any Estate Agents that decide to add their business to Google+ in the meantime (as a user) will be deleted.

So for now if you want to take the initiative will have to sign up under their own name and do what some Estate Agents resist – engage as themselves.

Here at Resource Techniques we’ve written countless times about Estate Agents engaging on social networks such as ‘Take the initiative, acquire the advantage’ and even ‘the basics of social media engagement’.

Whether it is for Google+ or another social network, it’s now up to you to engage if you’re going to get the leads you want.

James Coyne - eMarketing and Social Media Consultant