5 Elements An Estate Agent Homepage Must Have

| Web design

5 Elements An Estate Agent Homepage Must Have


New visitors to your website need guidance. If you don’t have a clear and simplistic layout and navigation you may leave your visitors feeling lost and confused.

You want to direct your visitors to where they want to go as quickly and efficiently as possible. Everyone who comes to your website is there for a purpose, so use these elements to help them find what they are looking for:

1) A recognisable logo

When people enter a site they want to be reassured they have come to the right place. Your logo should be displayed in the top of the page so it is the first thing your audience sees.

2) Primary Navigation

You need to have a clear navigation with all your most important/popular pages within it. Your visitors are likely to know where they want to go so make sure the primary navigation is clear and simple to use.

Within the primary navigation you should include these buttons - home, property search, about us and contact us. You can add to this if you have other valuable pages but make sure you don’t stuff the primary navigation with pointless pages.

3) Welcome Message

You should make it clear who you are and what you do straight away. A brief summary is all you need on the homepage, everything else about your business can be included on the About Us page.

4) Contact Information

You must have your telephone number and address clearly displayed on your homepage.

5) Property Search Function

Not everyone who comes to your website will be looking for properties, however those who might be looking to sell their properties will still be interested to see what properties you have on the market, how you display those properties, what features you offer, etc.

The majority of your website visitors are likely to click on the property search function within the first few seconds of entering the site, whether they want to buy a property or not so make sure it is prominently displayed on the page.  

Of course your homepage can have more features within it but these 5 elements are must haves. Be sure to keep your homepage clean and clear though; don’t overcrowd it with irrelevant content, gimmicks or plugins. 

Luke Stanley