Why blogging works!


Why blogging works!

The word blogging gets thrown around a lot on the web as thousands of individuals and company take to the internet to share their knowledge through their blogs but does blogging really work for businesses?

First we will start with identifying what a blog is.

The word blog comes from the word “Web Log” and is a type of website which posts articles that appear in date order.

It is a collection of content that is there to inform its readers and can take the form of text (like this article) or rich media such as video, infographics and audio.

But how can blogging increase your leads and influence your customers purchase decisions?

1. Blogs influence purchase decisions 26% more than magazine articles.

2. Websites with blogs on them creates 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. This means your SEO and web visibility will be greatly improved.

3. Businesses who blog 6-8 times per month double their leads.

4. Businesses who blog 15 times or more per month receive 5 times more online traffic than those who don’t blog.

5. Companies that increase their blog posts from 11-20 to 21-50 articles per month have a 45% increase in web traffic.

If you decide to start blogging be sure to keep in mind:

  • The more blog updates you post = the more online traffic you receive.
  • Articles with images get 94% more views than those that have no images.

It is time to realise the power and potential that great content has. Start blogging! 

Luke Stanley