Why do you need Facebook?

| Social media

Why do you need Facebook?

71% of social media users are more likely to use  a service from a business they follow online. It is clear that social media is a great tool to use to engage with your audience and to create new leads but many estate agents still underestimate the power of Facebook.

Here are 6 reasons why an active Facebook Business Page is crucial for your business:

1. A huge audience

There are 1.19 billion active monthly users on Facebook. No other platform has a reach quite as large as Facebooks!

2. Affordable

Facebook is free to set up! It may take some time and effort to get it looking nice, and then to actively maintain the page but with some hard work you will definitely begin to see the benefits.

3. Monitoring

It has never been easier to access your social media campaign results. Facebook Insights lets you see who is interacting with you, when they are interacting, where they are from and many other interesting stats.

4. Build brand awareness

Facebook is a great way to get your brand out there. By posting interesting statuses, articles, images and videos will lead to shares and likes. This will expand your visibility through the social network.

5. Authority

Social media has evolved the way people will look at your business online. Your potential customers aren’t likely to just go to your website anymore but they will also visit your social channels to see what kind of business you are by what content you've posted and the reviews listed before using your services.

6. Improve traffic to your website

Social media is also great for getting users to your website. Facebook can draw in a lot of traffic if used correctly. If you can build a decent fan base and produce interesting and relevant content regularly then you will see an increase in traffic to your website. 

Luke Stanley