Make Facebook matter

| Social media

Make Facebook matter

Many estate agents have failed to grasp the true power of Facebook and while some have succeeded, the majority have fell short getting little to nothing back for their efforts.

With Facebooks organic reach taking a massive drop for brands, finding success on Facebook has never been harder. It is now more important than ever to raise your engagement within the social giant.

Here are some top tips to help raise your Facebook engagement without having to spend a fortune on Facebook ads:

1) Add photos

When you include a photo within a Facebook post, the post on average receives 39% more interaction than those without.

Photos also receive 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs than simple text posts.

2) Be brief

A post with 250 characters can get you 60% more engagement, whereas if you can cut it down to less than 80 characters your chances of engagement will increase by 66%.

3) Save important posts for a Thursday or Friday

On average, engagement rates are 18% higher on a Thursday and Friday.

4) Don’t avoid Emoticons

Emoticons may not seem too professional, but posts with emoticons get 33% more comments, 57% more likes and 33% more shares than posts without emoticons.

5) Ask questions

It may seem a bit odd for a brand to ask their audience questions but it does generate a lot more engagement.

A question on average will generate 100% more comments than a statement. Remember a quick and easy question is likely to generate a higher amount of comments.

6) Spread the news

Post things that are interesting, educational or trending. These are the posts people are more likely to share, which will help to expand your reach on Facebook.

7) Discounts and coupons

Unsurprisingly, discount and coupon based posts receive some of the highest engagement rates which will draw in 42% more fans liking your page if you offer these promotions.

8) Run contests

Another great way to increase fans liking your page is to run contests. On average this will increase your pages likes by 35%.

Luke Stanley