Be more visual on social media

| Social media

Be more visual on social media


We’ve all heard the phrase ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ and that couldn’t be truer than on social media. If you are looking to boost your social media efforts, then you might want to start increasing the volume of visuals you share.

Reasons for being visual:

People are drawn more to images than content. That is just how our brain works. Here are three statistics to show you what kind of impacts visuals can have on your social efforts:

  • 82% of audiences agree that images are an important tactic for social media.
  • Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favourites and 150% more retweets than plain text tweets.
  • 10% of photos on Facebook account for 87% of the total interaction with brand pages.

Social media channels are flooded with millions of posts every day and it is your job to make your posts stand out. Use visuals to keep your audience’s attention and draw them in.

How to become more visual

There are several ways you can improve and increase imagery in your social media strategies. Here are 5 visual ads that will boost your social media efforts:

  • Infographics – If you have lots of valuable information, statistics or facts then it may be worth putting them into an infographic. Infographics are extremely popular and are highly likely to increase clicks, shares and likes.
  • Videos – Sharing a series of photographs can be used in a number of ways that can have a huge impact on your audience. For example, you could illustrate a visual checklist for the buying process or a visual about us description. You can use Flipagram to create these great visuals.
  • Tips – If you write a blog that is full of interesting and useful tips then you should embed those tips onto relevant images and share them with your audience. A combination of content and a visual will help followers understand the concept and will be more compelled to click and share.
  • How to guides – you may not be able to fit all the content of the guide into one image but you can create an image to display the primary parts of the guide. Embed the content into the image and direct the link to the full how to guide on your website. People will be more inclined to click and share as the image is more appealing and noticeable.
  • Quotes – Everyone loves a good quote, and it isn’t uncommon for people share quotes on decorative backdrops to make them more appealing. The image doesn’t necessarily have to be anything complicated; you could just use a simple company logo or pretty picture.

Try to shift away from the traditional content posts and you will find it will make you a lot more likeable, boost your brand presence and increase social interaction.

Luke Stanley