Mobile Continues To Dominate Search

| Mobile / Apps

Mobile Continues To Dominate Search

It has been over two years since Google announced that mobile searches exceed desktop searches and the latest studies show that this number has continued to increase, although Google are yet to release an official update.

The only word from Google lately regarding the mobile vs. desktop searches was that the “vast majority” of search queries are now from mobile devices.

However, the latest research shows that 57% of traffic is now coming from smartphones and tablets.

It’s worth noting that this is the average, and the numbers do changed dramatically depending on the category of search, for example searches for restaurant and high street businesses are significantly higher on mobile.

The research also showed that mobile produced different rankings nearly 80% of the time compared to desktop searches.

These results show us just how important mobile search is to your success online and how neglecting mobile SEO can have a real impact on your traffic, customers and sales.

So ensure you monitor and optimise for all device channels if you want to get the most out of SEO. 

Luke Stanley