UK 4G head to head

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UK 4G head to head


All UK mobile networks who want to offer 4G in the UK can now apply to enter the auction. All the major UK networks will be looking to start the bidding this week, with rumours floating around that O2 and Vodafone will be in the running.

They will have to put £100,000 into the pot and submit an application to Ofcom before they will be able to be considered for 4G.

Ofcom will then begin to review the applicants making sure they meet all the necessary criteria before they will announce who the winners are. However the actual auction for 4G LTE won’t take place until sometime in January 2013 and with the bidding process expected to last a few weeks, the 4G service isn’t likely to be available on the winning networks until Spring 2013. 

What’s on offer?

The auction is for two bands on the spectrum: 800MHz and 2.6GHz. Rumour has it that Vodafone are looking to get on a lower frequency band. This band will provide a stronger 4G signal within buildings.

The 2.6GHz band is more suited to densely populated areas.

Can’t wait?

4G LTE is already available with EE (Everything Everywhere). So for those of you who can’t wait until Spring to get their hands on the super fast mobile data, this is your only option for now...

By Troy Stanley
Technical Director