New to twitter? Take these baby steps

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New to twitter? Take these baby steps

Twitter can be scary to the uninitiated. The micro-blogging service is unlike any other social network and has its own confusing culture such as #ff and Retweets.

Before Estate Agents run to the hills and bury their head in the Facebook sands, it is best to take small baby steps. By dipping your toe into the Twitter pool of knowledge Estate Agents are then able to ease themselves in slowly to make sure that they don’t drown.

Here at Resource Techniques, we have created 5 simple steps that Estate Agents should take once they have registered their own Twitter account.

  • 1. Do your research - Before starting Twitter, it is best to plan out a strategy. Either consult a social media expert or use the internet’s vast resource of Twitter articles.
  • 2. Upload a profile picture - Depending on the strategy that Estate Agents will use for Twitter, Estate Agents will want to upload either a picture of themselves (so people can put a name to a face) or a picture of the company logo/branding.
  • 3. Branding your page - Twitter gives you the option to brand your twitter page through the colour scheme as well as a background image.
  • 4. Link shortener - Estate Agents need to get to grips with a link shortening service such as This gives the ability to fit large links into the 140 character limit as well as seeing how many clicks are on each link.
  • 5. Use twitter search - Twitter search is the most unrated online marketing tool. Estate Agents need to get to grips with how to manipulate Twitter’s search towards their benefit.

Interested in finding out more? Contact us or send us a message on Twitter.