Losing touch? Stay up to date with everything important to you

| Web design

Losing touch? Stay up to date with everything important to you

Google Alerts is a great tool whether you are looking to receive the latest information or get inspiration from other professionals in your industry.

These alerts are simply updates sent to your Google account when the search engine giant finds matches on the web that relate to the terms you want to stay informed on.

How to set up Google Alerts?

Step 1: First you have to sign into your Gmail account (or set one up if you haven’t done so already)

Step 2: On the primary navigation click “More”, then scroll down and click on “Even More”.

Step 3: The product page then gives you a list of options, click on Alerts.

Step 4: Google then asks you for your search queries. This can be anything you want to be kept informed about.

Step 5: Choose what type of alerts you wish to receive; this may be blog posts, videos or simply just news.

Step 6: Set how often you wish to receive alerts.

Step 7: Choose which email address you want the alert to be sent to.

Step 8: Finally just click on create alert.

You can repeat this process for all the queries you want to be informed on.

These alerts are great and can be used to help you learn more about your industry as well as inspire you to write interesting articles for your own website.

By Luke Stanley
SEO Consultant