How to become more visible on Facebook’s newsfeed (Part two)

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How to become more visible on Facebook’s newsfeed (Part two)


Following on from “How to get your posts to reach all of your followers”, this week we are going to talk about the types of content you should be creating and sharing on Facebook.

These days you have to put more effort into your posts and can’t just rely on mundane updates regarding the weather to engage with followers. As social networks have evolved so has social marketing. You now need a real strategy in order to succeed and this all starts with content.

Here are the 3 types of content you should be creating:

Visual content – we are visual creatures and this is why social networks like Instagram are so valuable and popular.

Images stand out on the Facebook Newsfeed, receiving 39% more interaction than posts without images.

What type of images should you be posting you may ask? For example, as an estate agent you could post interesting pictures of interior design or architecture.

Entertaining content – Facebook is usually the place you go when you are bored, so give the user something fun to read.

People tend to share things that they have an emotional connection to; meaning people are more likely to share your content if it entertains them.

This could come in the form of an image, a simple text update or an entertaining article. But before you go crazy on posting jokes, remember you should also remain relevant to your industry.

Educational content – people don’t just want to entertain their friends but educate them by sharing educational content. You could post interesting statistics, informative articles or local news within the community. All these things encourage users to engage with your post.

By creating content that is interesting, informative and fun to read will not only entice users to follow you but also give you the right to promote your services occasionally without seeming too pushy and annoying your fans.

When it comes to how many times should you post, be weary of over-posting and being overly promotional. Only post if you have something worthwhile to share, otherwise you may find your followers vanishing.

By Luke Stanley
SEO Consultant