Google+ a ghost town? Think again

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Google+ a ghost town? Think again

Think Google Plus was a failure? Think again, as reports suggest that the social network is now bigger than Twitter.

The report was based on active usage and says that 25 percent of the world’s global Internet population used Google+ actively, which of course is nothing compared to the social giant Facebook which has an incredible 51 percent of the world’s active Internet users logging on every month.

Google+ may have moved into second places behind Facebook but Twitter took the title of fastest growing social network as it grew nearly 40 percent bringing its total active users to 288 million users.

But with Google+ having been labelled a ghost town as well as a failure by a large number of people, the social network grew in terms of active usage by 27 percent, raising its population to 343 million making it the second most popular social platform.

Its huge increase of active usage is likely due to Google+ having been integrated with Google Search, which has been said to be key to the future of search and the Internet.

Third place was taken by YouTube, followed by Twitter while Facebook still dominates the market. However Google doesn’t seem to be too far behind considering two of their services are in the top 3.