Facebook Timeline for Brand Pages Expected To Arrive On Feb 29th

| Web design


The Facebook Timeline has been available for personal profiles since early October and from January 24th, Facebook announced its new profile design, will become mandatory and permanent for all users.

And although the Timeline has been criticised by many users, Business Insider has reported that Facebook is in the process of launching the Timeline for Brand pages with an official announcement to be made on February 29th.

The rumours about the announcement of the Timeline branded pages seems quite likely now Facebook has made the Timeline mandatory for users. The next step for them is to allow brand pages access to the same features allowing businesses on Facebook to become a lot more exciting and creative with their profiles. Due to the style of the Timeline, businesses will have more options of ways to engage with their audience.

The cover photo is the obvious customisation feature which will give businesses a great chance to attempt some creative images, but factors like left-right presentation of posts and status updates, as well as the ability to highlight key moments in your business history will certainly give Estate Agents great ways to market their business on the Social Network.

By Luke Stanley
SEO Consultant