Facebook Timeline Brand Pages coming soon!

| Web design

Facebook Timeline Brand Pages coming soon!

If you have a Facebook Brand page you may have noticed the announcement at the top of the page, alerting you to the fact the New Facebook brand pages are coming soon. The switch over is scheduled for the 30th of March.

What you need to know:

The main benefits of the new Facebook page is that you are able to brand your page with a unique cover photo, use pin posts at the top of the page to highlight quality content and are able to private message between page and fans.

With the new layout of the page you will want to make the most of the new banner-style image, but at the same time not confuse your fans. Here a few tips to help you get started:

  • The image should be creative and engaging.
  • The brand page cover picture is not clickable so text links will confuse your fans.
  • Ensure your description is informative and up-to-date as it is now more prominent.

Cover photos for brands are the same size as those for personal profiles, so your image will have to be 850 pixels by 315 pixels. These images can be changed whenever you like.

The cover images may not contain:

  • Price or purchase information
  • Contact information – such as a web address or email. These are supposed to feature in your ‘About’ section.
  • Contact information – such as a web address or email. These are supposed to feature in your ‘About’ section.
  • Call to actions.

The other conditions you need to abide by are that the covers must not be false, deceptive or misleading.

The Facebook Timeline brand page is supposed to be mandatory from the 30th of March so start thinking about creative ways for your business page to outshine your competition. I will post up some Tutorials and Guides to ensure you have are prepared for the switch over.

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