Facebook fan page checklist

| Web design

Facebook fan page checklist


Let’s be honest here. Does your Facebook fan page live up to its potential or is it something that is just hanging there in the background?

Imagine it this way - a Facebook page like a houseplant, if you leave it alone it will slowly wither and die and you can guarantee that it will bear no fruit whatsoever. In the end there will just be a skeleton of its former self.

Whereas if you were to water your Facebook page plant with content and feed it with a regular dose of ‘Fan branded’ plant feed you’ll soon see it blossom into something tangible (rather than a useless metaphor).

So what do Estate Agents needs to do if they want to take a bit of this ‘Facebook fruit’?

Below is a simple checklist that will help you get started.

Information – Either existing or new customers, many people will visit your Facebook fan page just to acquire information. Why hinder this? Make sure you fill in the Info tab with as much information as possible.

  • Pictures – Pictures are the flowers of your Facebook plant. They add colour, variety and make your page uniquely yours.
  • Link shorteners – This is the container in which your water (content) will go. We personally use bit.ly’s service. It’ll give Estate Agents not only the option to contain the links that they show but also measure how many people click through.
  • Upload Regular content – As mentioned above, content (articles, links, etc.) is the water for your plant. It will help your plant grow into something worth showing off.

It does not take long to master these simple concepts. Once you have, read our two advanced articles, ‘6 unconsidered Facebook actions’ and ‘Facebook pages: Take the initiative, acquire the advantage’.

James Coyne – eMarketing and Social Media Consultant