Confused by the new Google+ Local Profile?

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Confused by the new Google+ Local Profile?

With the latest merge of Google+ and Google Places many are still uncertain by what it’s all about and what they have to do.

This post has been put in place to help you deal with the confusion caused by recent actions from Google and why they’ve done it.

Resolving the confusion

Over the last few months Google has turned all Google Places profiles into Google+ Local. The move was put in place as a strategic way of moving things under the Google+ umbrella. However this automatic update has created a problem for Google Places members.

The feature now has two combined properties, Google+ Local (which was formerly Google Places) and Google+ Business page. Although completely separate, these two pages serve very similar purposes.

This is why the changes have been made, Google are working on a way to combine these two pages to make it both easier for the user and owner as well as help merge social networking within Google’s organic algorithm.

So now you know the why, but what should you do next?

What you have to do

If you don’t already have a Google Plus listing click here to claim one. If you have a Google Plus listing, check out how it looks by:

1. Going to

2. Search for your business

3. Click on "more info" for your listing

4. This is your new Google+ Local page

You can edit this by logging into your Google Places account. If you are setting up a Google Places account be sure to complete all required information.

Google+ Local (Google Places) is vital for local search success, without an account your rankings may drop for search terms of a local nature such as Estate Agents in Canary Wharf.

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