5 ways to engage with your audience on Facebook

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5 ways to engage with your audience on Facebook

Facebook was first created to keep people connected with their friends, however over time Facebook evolve to also accommodate businesses.

The addition of Facebook branded pages was introduced allowing business to engage with their audiences and boost sales.

The problem being that many businesses have made the mistake believing Facebook users and fans will look at their posts simply because the company is posting them regardless of the information they are sharing.

This assumption is completely wrong and in many cases will ruining the Facebook page due to users ignoring irrelevant or boring posts.

To gain interest through your Facebook page you must engage and encourage readers to like, share and comment on your posts.

Here are 5 of the best ways to get the right kind of engagement via your branded posts:

1. Photos

This is one of the easiest ways to catch your audience’s attention. When you scroll down your news feed, the large, colourful, images are what usually encourages you to click.

Including a shortened link that has relevance to your photo, gives the reader somewhere to go which also is useful when it comes to engagement.

2. Questions

Just posting a link without a description will discourage users from clicking and interacting. Adding a description with a question to the link gives the reader a way to engage.

Asking a question regarding a link is probably the easiest methods to get a reader to comment or share. Without adding the question people may just read the article and leave...

3. Create a poll

This goes hand in hand with point 2. Creating a poll is a great way to get people on your Facebook page to discuss topics.

The poll should be relevant to your business and a topical question usually draws in more interest.Â

How to create a poll?

To create a poll, click on the Event, Milestone + option in your status box and choose Question.

Write in your question and click on Add Poll Options, this is where you provide your readers with a set of answers on which people can vote.

4. Tips

Quick tips that readers can implement easily is a great way to engage as it gives value to your audience which makes them more likely to react.


Quotes from the experts are a great way to get likes and shares through Facebook. They tend to get more shares and likes compared to comments because they are often inspirational or informative.

Like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Resourcetechniques for the latest news and polls...

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