5 Basic Elements of Web Design

| Web design

5 Basic Elements of Web Design


There are five basic elements of web design, each one of these fundamentals contribute in their own way to the overall user experience. Therefore, you must make sure that a single element doesn't let down the entire website.

Here are the five elements to web design:

1) Content 

There's no denying that 'Content is King'. It plays a massive role in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and is one of the main reasons people visit your website.

You really need to focus a great deal of effort into creating first class content for your website, which should include videos, relevant news/information and high-resolution imagery to make your website ‘stickier’. This will ensure you keep your users on your website for longer.

2) Usability 

Great usability will never be noticed by the end user, but bad usability instantly stands out. Your website must be easily navigable, intuitive, accessible and mobile-friendly.

The user should know where they are on the website at all times and be able to find where they want to go with little thought. They should also be able to access any page they need without having to view the whole site.

Your site should try to anticipate what your visitors are thinking and help them to fulfil their needs with as little effort as possible.

3) Aesthetics  

In this day and age, having a visually impressive website across all devices is crucial. However, you must maintain your brand image. Your website must reflect who you are as a business, and visually connect with the audience.

The visual appeal of your website not only contributes to your brand awareness but also increase your credibility.

4) Visibility 

If you had the most aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly website on the web, it would still be unsuccessful unless it could be found. Your presence and visibility through digital marketing campaigns including SEO, social media and email marketing is vital to the success of your website.

It’s important that you understand how to be found, what platforms to target and how to utilise your content. Thousands of factors have an impact on where you appear within the search engines, so make sure you have a plan in place!

5) Interaction

Your website must engage with your audience, hold their attention, direct them through the stages of your website and finally encourage them to contact you.

Your website isn’t just there for show, it is there to help you generate leads, increase sales and grow your business so ensure your website engages with your visitors in the correct way.