1 Facebook like means 20 extra website visits

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1 Facebook like means 20 extra website visits


Experian Hitwise is an online internet traffic company that self-describe themselves as ‘the leading global online competitive intelligence service’. Last week the company came out with a statistic that sparked interest from a lot of people in social media.

On a blog post, it stated that by increasing your Facebook likes by one will equate to 20 extra website visits.

This is absolutely fantastic news to Estate Agents that are looking to starting a social media strategy, whereas Estate Agents that have already firmly established their social media will have seen a rise in traffic on the Google Analytics.

It is important to note that although more Facebook fans is great, obsessing on the number of fans your Facebook page has is NOT what is important. When 8 out of 10 people moving within a five mile radius, local Facebook fans will be more valuable than someone who is from another country.

As well as last week’s article on acquiring the advantage on Facebook, here are a few tips how Estate Agents can increase the amount of local fans on your Estate Agent Facebook page:

  • Add new and fresh content

It is infinitely more probable that people will like your page if they think that the page is going to provide them with valuable information whilst also being updated regularly.
Think of it as leaving out food for the birds. If the food is fresh, and you regularly leave it out, gradually more and more birds will arrive for you to feed. Change the type of food and the birds and you’ll keep the bird’s interest and they won’t go elsewhere to eat.

  • Add to email signature

Think about how many new people you email throughout your working week or month. You can turn each of these communications into mini adverts urging your correspondents to visit, and like, your Facebook page. What is great is that each contact will be people from the local area or people looking to move to the local area.

  • Cross promote

Many people now days have more than one social networking account and by telling your fans, followers, connections and subscribers that you’re on more than one social network you’re more likely to capture those brand fanatics and increase your numbers across the board.

  • Promote offline              

This is possibly the best way to get more local fans is to promote your social networking activities offline. Estate Agents that put their social network vanity URL (E.G. www.facebook.com/ResourceTechniques) on various marketing material as well as talking to buyers and vendors will find that the online benefit that they have set out to achieve.

James Coyne eMarketing and Social Media Consultant