Apple To Triple Production For The iPhone X

| Technology

It looks like Apple may be gearing up to triple production of the 10th anniversary iPhone. This means there will be a 300% increase in iPhone’s built ready for the release in September.

Production will reportedly start at the beginning of June instead of July, as Apple expects to see record breaking smartphone sales for their latest device.

The report comes from BlueFin Research, who says there is some indication from the supply chain that Apple is preparing for a high demand of the highly anticipated iPhone X (iPhone 8).

However, they also said that just because Apple might be starting production a month early, doesn’t necessarily mean we are likely to see the next generation iPhone before the traditional September launch.

If this is true it will give Apple more time to improve yield rates and fix any issues found during the manufacturing process, which is partly what’s to blame with the Samsung Note 7 disaster.

Although, more importantly it will mean that more customers will be able to get their hands on the iPhone X from its launch.

This will be a relief for those who have struggled to get their hands on a newly released iPhone in the past.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, stated that there are “exciting things in the pipeline” when it comes to the iPhone X, which if true will definitely help the device break smartphone sales records. After all, the iPhone 7 sold out within a week and many Apple fans said that the device was no more than a refreshed iPhone 6.

This has of course put a lot of pressure on Apple to wow their fans with the next generation iPhone, especially on their 10 year anniversary.  

Latest iPhone X rumours:

As per usual many rumours are circulating regarding the next generation. Here are the latest rumours regarding the iPhone X:

  • A ‘pure white’ model.
  • The aluminium casing will be replaced with two reinforced glass panes and a metal frame.
  • Wrap around OLED screen in a 5 inch and 5.8 inch model.
  • Wireless charging – that can work up to 15 feet away.
  • Dual-lens 3D camera
  • Facial recognition 

Luke Stanley