Five spookily effective social tricks

| Social media

Five spookily effective social tricks

Halloween is on its way but will it bring your social media tricks or treats? To get more treats from your social media efforts this Halloween, here are 5 tops tricks to ensure you receive treats that you can easily integrate into your social marketing efforts.

1. Use killers headlines  

It is important that you grab your audience’s attention with luring titles. You want to entice your audience to read further. Shocking only one out of five visitors will read your content. A pretty scary statistic, making it even more vital that you create a strong headline that can tempt visitors to click.

2. Shock them with awesome content

Your content needs to deliver value to your readers otherwise your social media will be a ghost town.

Try to always create quality informative content your audience desires and needs. Always try to post articles that will inform, educate or intrigue your audience. Make sure your content (blog) is mobile friendly as well, as around 55% of your social users will be viewing your content from a mobile device.  

3. Trick them into doing what you want

Use call-to-actions within your social media efforts. Call-to-actions are an old marketing trick that can be easily overlooked but they can reap in significant benefits.

Your call-to-action needs to guide your audience into taking the next step, helping them move towards the ultimate goal.

Again you need your call-to-actions to stand out so use appropriate colours and graphics to grab your audience’s attention.  Don’t forget to include a link-shortener like to ensure you can track the results from the individual call-to-actions to see which ones are more effective.

4. Thrill them with videos and images

Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. Any information you want to communicate to your audience is better communicated in the form of an image or video. By posting more images and videos it will also mean that those internet users that skim through the content will be communicated to faster, giving you more of a chance to catch their attention.

5. Don’t be left in the dark

You may be active on social media but it doesn’t mean you will be successful. Measure your social efforts as best as you can to ensure you are doing the right thing. It is important that you measure fans, clicks, likes, shares, retweets, engagement, etc.

You will only understand what your audience wants and needs from your social media if you measure your activity.  

Don’t be too scared to get social this Halloween! 

Luke Stanley