Annoying Facebook Traits Estate Agents Have

| Social media

Annoying Facebook Traits Estate Agents Have


Facebook is a great marketing tool, it helps you to connect with your target audience and grow your reach, but if you use it the wrong way it can have the opposite effect you were hoping for.

The majority of people don’t use Facebook to connect with business, so it is important that you use it in a way that makes your audience want to connect to you. What you do on social media does reflect on your business and can leave a lasting impression which can either help or hurt your business.

Here are 8 annoying mistakes that Estate Agents tend to commit on Facebook:

1) Posting Too Little or Too Often

It’s important that you post on Facebook frequently, if you neglect your Facebook page people will forget about you. If you post too much you risk becoming a nuisance, annoying your followers which will lead to them unliking your page.   

2) Posting Dull and Boring Content

Dull and boring posts will deter users away from your page. It is important to keep your Facebook page fresh and interesting to encourage engagement and motivate your audience.

3) Posting Too Much Self-Promotional Content

Facebook is a great marketing tool but you have to promote yourself smartly. If all you do is post about yourself you will bore your audience and they will abandon your page. Mix up your posts to stay relevant and expand your reach. You can do this by sharing your business’ latest news, helpful articles, photos, videos, etc.

4) Posting Irrelevant Content

People are following you because they are interested in your business and/or industry. Ensure you don’t go too far off topic as it will just confuse your audience.

5) No Personality

Your audience doesn’t want to follow a robot. Facebook users want to see posts with personality; they want to see who you are and what sort of business they will be dealing with if they use your services. 

6) Responding Poorly To Your Followers

Facebook is all about interaction; after all it is called a SOCIAL network. When you post something on Facebook, people have the opportunity to Like, Comment or Share the post. Your audience can also send messages to your business page.  

It’s crucial that you have someone monitoring the engagement of your Facebook page. If someone asks a question, respond quickly and professionally. If you don’t respond or you take too long to respond it will reflect badly on your business.

7) Bad Grammar

As a professional business, you must communicate with your audience in a professional manner. This means no spelling mistakes or poor grammar. Avoid looking unprofessional by proofreading your posts.

8) Using Poor-Quality Photos

As an estate agent, all your photos should be perfect. That includes the ones you post on Facebook. Facebook is a very visual platform and poor quality or just bad photos aren’t acceptable. If you want your posts to grab people’s attention ensure you use good imagery. 

Luke Stanley