5 LinkedIn metrics you need to know

| Social media

5 LinkedIn metrics you need to know

LinkedIn can be a very powerful social platform for estate agents. It may not have the same impact that Facebook or Twitter has but many estate agents have still found value in using the social network.

Here are the LinkedIn metrics every business should focus on:

1. Measure post performance

On your LinkedIn company page you are able to see clicks, impressions and engagements for any post, just like Facebook.

It is a good idea to keep track of all your posts to see which ones draw in an interest and which ones don’t.

2.  Page reach

Knowing when to post is very important to your success. The analytics in LinkedIn allows you to view and compare your performance; this can be measured within a few different timescales up until 6 months ago.

3. Engagement rate

Social media is all about engagement. LinkedIn allows you to monitor how many members have clicked, liked, commented on and shared your content. This is of course very useful to monitor your social performance, enabling you to better understand what content is likely to draw in what sort of engagement. These metrics should help you to plan out your social strategy to ensure the best results.

4. Demographics

Finding out about your followers is again very valuable information. It could give you an insight to who they are and what they want. LinkedIn allows you to see where you followers are from, what industry they work in and what role they play (e.g. sales, support, admin, etc).

It is important you know who your audience is and this can all be found within LinkedIn Analytics module.

5. Compare

LinkedIn also allows you to be compared against four other similar businesses which allow you to compare total followers and growth in time.

This will allow you to see how you are performing in comparison to potential competition, given you the option to dig deeper and see why they are outperforming you. 

Luke Stanley