When will Google stop updating its search results?


When will Google stop updating its search results?

This may seem like an obvious answer but Matt Cutts, Google’s head of web spam has answered the question in his latest Webmaster Video.

The question: “When will you stop changing things?”

The answer: NEVER!

During the video which you can see here, http://bit.ly/1qi84Zf, Matt says Google won’t ever stop changing for a variety of reasons. The web is always changing, the way people use search will continue to change and of course spammers techniques will always change and evolve.  

Google is constantly looking for new ways to try and improve search results, aiming to give the users the best experience possible by delivering the best results. There will always be small and large changes going on in the search results, so if you are ranking well right now Matt says this could change as Google is going to adapt based on what users are looking for. In other words don't neglect your SEO. 

In the future, if people are performing spoken word searches or use more conversational queries, Google will have to adapt and figure out a way to deliver the best results based on those queries. Matt says Google has to be prepared for how search behaviour may evolve in the future.

Google will continue to evolve with the internet, coming up with new ways to produce better results. And Matt says that SEO in many ways is about to change too. 

Luke Stanley