The key to a successful blog


The key to a successful blog

An estate agency blog can bring your business many benefits, from SEO to an increase in traffic. A blog will also improve your credibility within your industry and allow you to prove to your audience that you are an industry expert.

When you give your audience valuable information and advice which are relevant to the reader, you are not only increasing traffic to your website but boosting brand awareness as well.

Here are the key elements you should include within your blog to get the most out of it:

1. Quality

Google focuses on quality over quantity when it comes to content as it is better for the reader. Your content should be unique and informative, including high quality images. Don't just post random content for the sake of it!

2. Graphics

Readers respond better to articles that include images. They will make the article more appealing which will help to draw in more traffic (as articles with images are more clickable). Be sure to only include high quality images that are relevant to the article though.

3. Monitor your audience

To produce the right content for your estate agency, you need to discover what the reader is actually interested in. A lot of the time this will just be trial and error. You will want your content to cater to your audience’s needs, not your own.

Different types of articles will draw in more traffic, so monitor which articles perform better than others and take note.

From monitoring your articles you will learn which types are more suitable to your audience, this may vary on the length of the post, topics or types of graphics you use.

4. Offer something different

Give the reader something new and interesting to read. There are many types of articles you can post, such as videos, infographics, how-to’s, statistics, etc.

The key to a great blog is to consistently offer great content. Aim to always produce well written, informative and unique articles, if you do this you will notice an increase in your blogs popularity which will in turn help your business grow. 

Luke Stanley