3 more quick tips for Chartered Surveyors


3 more quick tips for Chartered Surveyors

Following on from last week’s newsletter, we’ve outlined three further quick tips that commercials agent and chartered surveyors should consider when making improvements to their websites.


How Do You Rank?

When a prospective customer searches Google for the core services your offer, where do you rank? If you are not on page one, you might as well not exist. The structure, design and content of your website could be having a negative effect on your Google ranking.

SEO or search engine optimisation should be at the core of your website design. It is the process that ensures your site is constructed in the right way and puts in place the on-going strategy to make sure you gain high ranks on Google. It is these high rankings make you more visible to prospective clients, but also position you as a leader within the way your market perceives you.


Don’t Over Do The Keywords

If you know something about SEO (search engine optimisation) it can be tempting to stuff your pages with keywords in an attempt to gain high rankings on Google. Yet this can do more harm than good. Keyword stuffing is a practice that is disliked by Google and can result in your website actually being penalised.

Concentrate on producing interesting, engaging content that is written for human beings and not search engines. Your audience will appreciate this; spend longer on your website and share interesting pages with others. Google will recognised this and reward you accordingly.


Make Contact Simple

The primary objective of any chartered surveyor or commercial agents website must be to make contact with new and prospective clients. So, if this is the case, make it as easy as possible.

The preferred route will be to provide some sort of contact form. Research has shown that if your audience has to fill in more than 3 boxes on that form, you’ll greatly reduce the amount that actually do. Your online audience is extremely impatient, so make as easy as possible.

Keep it simple – name, email and mobile should do the job.


Get Page Load Times Down

We know the audience is impatient. If your pages don’t load within 1-2 seconds, potential clients will simply abandon your website and go to your competition.

A positive user experience on your website is built on fast page loading times. You may have done everything right with the design, navigation and content of your website, but none of this will be seen if sluggish page loading times result in your audience getting annoyed and navigating away from your website.

Google will also penalise websites that have slow page loading times, as it righty sees this as providing a poor user experience. In turn, this will negatively effect your search engine rankings, reducing the amount of traffic you get to your company’s website.

John Doe