What is UX?

| Web design

What is UX?


What is user experience? For many the definition of UX is unclear, the problem is that many businesses, estate agents and even some web design agencies still sees a website as just a big business card. In the modern age, a website is much more complex and active tool.

What is user experience?

The simple answer is the experience you go through once you access a website. These days, the buying process is obviously a lot more complex which is why having a good user experience is so important.

Without really thinking about it, you have probably left websites in the past simply because of poor user experience, opting for another more friendly website. Poor user experience can be a number of things, lack of information, slow loading speed, difficult to navigate, overcrowded or hard to use on a mobile device.

User experience affects everyone, including the website owner. From the start you should do everything with the user in mind, you need to focus on the visitor interaction in order to improve the time they spend on your website.

Understanding the User

Who is your user (customer)? What do they need? Why are they on your website? The foundation of any great online experience will start with these questions. Answering these questions will be hugely beneficial for the planning out of a website.

Customers who have a good user experience on your website are more likely to return and/or make a purchase.

Why is UX important?

The buying process is all about the experience, wherever you are (in a shop or online) the service in which you purchase a product will be the deciding factor in -

1) if you purchase from that shop/website in the first place

2) if you return to the shop/website in the future

3) if you recommend the shop/website to friends, family, etc.

An aesthetically pleasing website is nothing if the information is difficult to find. The same goes for a beautiful website that isn’t mobile optimised, if it is difficult to use no one will want to use it.

It is your responsibility to ensure your audience is having a good experience on your website. You should consider everything that will factor in the users experience including information (content), navigation, easy of use and visual appeal.  

Remember your website should flow, create a path in which you want your audience to go down to reach the goal or goals you have set. For example this may be to contact you, to sign up to email alerts, to fill out a contact form or to sign up to your mailer. Whatever it is, the path in which your users take to reach the goal should be clear, simple, informative, beautiful and quick. If your website isn’t this on every device, then you may need a redesign. 

Luke Stanley